Bucket List

Why Bucket list?

I was meditating today (June 7th, 2020, Sunday, around 4pm) and thought that there are just so many cool things that I can do, if I set my mind for it. And as a perfectionist and a procrastinator, I’ve been delaying making my own ‘Github-blog’ that I can fully customize and have more control over, compared to this WordPress blog I have. And one of my goals was to have a Bucket-list page where I can show interactive media on what exactly it is that I want to achieve, and I wanted to create a system where I can edit each and every bucket-list item, individually, to show my slow but steady race towards each goal.

But, I knew that I needed a starting point. Just like how my Project Portfolio page started out, (which I wanted to create a more beautiful & interactive version out of, with Github-pages, waaaay back in 2019) I wanted to take a stab against making a crude but functional- Bucket list page for myself.

Some inspirations

Just before I start writing down my ambitions and goals, I just want to incorporate two individuals into this page, whom have definitely inspired me to create this page & strive achieving it.

First, is Ben Nemtin. His story was truly inspiring. Basically, he and couple of his college friends at the end of their summer break went on a road trip with a list of “100 things to do before you die”, and documented their journey: which became a TV Show called ‘The Burried Life’, and a New York Times Best-seller ‘What do you want to do before you die?’.

What I found fascinating about this person was that he and his friends had set a goal (a very hard, and still- some of them are left un-checked), gave it their best shot for accomplishing them, and helped other people achieve their dreams along the way. And when I learned about their story, I instantly knew that this was definitely one of the life I want to live before I die. So, there’s my first inspiration.


The Format of each list would be comprised as : #(Number Index of the Item). $(The Bucket List Item) [$(Source for this item, either ‘NLOG#6’ (my diary), whatever! If I just thought of it, leave it as blank).#(Date for the source of this item, like when I worte it down)] [#(Write down the date when I achieved it)]

Ex) 1. AAA [NLOG#5.200607] []

1. Go to the Space Station (ISS) and