Bitcoin Github Repository


Damn. Surreal to see that. The FIRST commit of Bitcoin through ‘Github'(or more specifically, git).

2. Some Facts

It looks like they worked on the code repository on ‘sourceforge’ before that. And the User “non-github-bitcoin” isn’t actually a person, but rather a channel which relayed the external(outside of github) contributions internally.

3. And of course… “Satoshi Nakamoto “

Whomever this person / group is, it is an amazing history. From a white-paper to a ‘hobby’ kind-of crypto-currency project, finally into a Hype that got talked about around the world, especially in the late 2017, during an incident related to Bitcoin-Platinum(Scam?). I gotta research more specifically about bitcoin, but as far as I know, this history is fascinating.

4. More Facts(Wikipedia)

I just did some research.. on wikipedia :P, and the quote

As initially the sole and subsequently the predominant miner, Nakamoto was awarded bitcoin at genesis and for 10 days afterwards.[20] Except for test transactions these remain unspent since mid January 2009.[20] The public bitcoin transaction log shows that Nakamoto’s known addresses contain roughly one million bitcoins.[21] At bitcoin’s peak in December 2017, this was worth over US$19 billion,[22] making Nakamoto possibly the 44th richest person in the world at the time.[23]

Is just ‘Striking’. 1 MILLION Bitcoin. Although as we now see it as ‘Money’, back in 2009, it must have been seen like a ‘souvenir’ or some sort, that he(or she), him(her)self has created. That must have felt fulfilling and fun. No hassle on the price of it.

When someone calling himself Satoshi Nakamoto first proposed the idea of bitcoin back in 2008, his ideas went largely unnoticed. But Hal Finney paid attention. He quickly became one of the world’s first bitcoin users. That early enthusiasm proved lucrative for Hal Finney, allowing him to join the digital currency’s network and “mine” many bitcoins during the early days. The stash helped the Finneys cover Hal’s medical expenses, but it also came at a price.

Sort of a sad story(R.I.P Hal Finney), but above article(archived) provides a glimpse into the early days of bitcoin. Just casual developers mining coins, worth almost nothing at that time, for fun and excitement(maybe some of the early adopters knew the price will go up, who knows).

ANYWAYS, It was fun researching this Crypto-currency for an hour today. It started out from me reading an article. And I delved into some Pull-Requests for the bitcoin-repository, then tried to find the ‘initial commit‘, and baam. Just an amazing history.

I feel thankful for the developers of Bitcoin, for not hiding the history. I mean, it might have been just consequences that followed, which didn’t allow any ‘hiding’ from the public, but hey, initial-commit is a surely exciting thing!

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